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Hey There

Where This Flower Blooms is an environmental sustainability club and movement. Our goal is to change our planet for the better together in a small but impactful club that we like to call "Where This Flower Blooms".  


Where This Flower Blooms was created to inspire people to reduce their negative impact on the natural environment. As a part of the project, we recently hosted a fundraiser festival. Over 40 artists, poets, authors and singers presented their work, and we were able to fundraiser over INR 300,000 for our 3 partner non-profits (Calcutta Foundation, Re/Make Foundation and Naz Foundation). The festival also marked the launch of our projects, including a school in rural India and a sustainable, climate-conscious fashion brand.  Outside the festival, we have conducted many events across the city of Bangalore, to invite people to build projects that dramatically help our environment. 

Origins of our name

Our name comes from a famous song by rapper, "Tyler The Creator". His song speaks about the journey towards adulthood and the self-doubt, isolation, and challenge that follows. In our eyes, we viewed the title as one that symbolizes beauty in being unique. 

Why should you join the club? 

One of our main aims is to build awareness and sensitivity among students towards environmental issues and connected problems. We will empower students to explore environmental concepts and actions beyond the confines of a curriculum. We will also build on skills to help individuals and social groups identify and solve environmental issues and hence, avoid future problems. Although many are aware of the need to make efforts in the field of environmental sustainability, the issue remains at large. With a larger membership, and consequently a greater influence, we hope to improve social attitude towards environmental sustainability and make environmental sustainability a priority subject in schools.

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